A client who plans to invest in an e-commerce business selling tours asked me to conduct research. Her main requests were:
- learn how to name offers to attract clients
- find out what may be of value to users that will distinguish this website from other similar ones
- a motto and name for the business
- understand users' needs, goals and aspirations, and how they book holidays to meet their needs
1. Road Map
Desk Research - analysis of competition and market, proposing a motto and name of the office
Creating questions for interviews
Conducting interviews, asking users about the motto and name of the office
Card sorting - checking with users how they sort information and names, thanks to which we will know how to name offers
Analysis of data collected during interviews
Creating a persona - thanks to this we will be able to better understand who we are creating the product for
Creating an empathy map - thanks to this we will better understand users' feelings
Creating a User Journey Map - allows you to understand what and when users feel when interacting with products similar to ours
2. Desk Research
The most popular travel agencies selling tours:
The most popular holiday destinations among the middle-income group (PLN 4-5 thousand per holiday):
3. Card sorting
Name suggestions for business and choosing one of them by voting:
Suggested mottos for travel agency and choosing one of them by voting:
Proposals of a differentiator for travel agency and the selection of one of them by voting conducted:
4. Persona
5. Empathy Map
6. User Journey Map
7. Summary
The most popular holiday destinations among the Polish middle-income group are: Spain, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Portugal, Thailand, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Majorca

The recommended name for a travel agency is VoyageJoy and the motto is "Joy in every direction"

Spain, Italy and Croatia are most associated with culinary trips, Majorca and Portugal with sunny weather, Greece and Bulgaria with learning about culture, and Turkey, Cypri Thailand with adventure

A great need of users is to immediately show the price of the offer without any additional costs.

8. Recommendation
The greatest need of users is to quickly and efficiently find the best offer that meets their expectations. Something that could make this travel agency stand out is the matching of holiday proposals based on a short "quiz" after entering the website - after answering a few questions, trip suggestions are displayed. The same mechanism can be used to propose optional trips. The ability to pay for a trip in installments is also attractive to users.
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